Monday, August 20, 2007

Potty Update

I didn't mean to suggest that potty-training would be accomplished in one weekend. Although I must admit I thought that some progress might have been made.

Hard to tell at this juncture.

Miss D LOVES wearing underpants. She had two accidents of the pee-pee variety. The rest seemed to occur when she was in her diaper (from nighttime or nap). And one deliberate poo in the pants which she actually went in the bathroom and shut the door but wouldn't take down her pants or sit on the potty.


Advice and/or stories are welcome...


alexis said...

just that I can't wait to send her a copy of the tale of her potty training when she is 16.

Pulisha said...

You would think that, having potty trained one child successfully, I would have some words of wisdom to impart. Alas, I seem to have forgotten all that I learned in just a fe short years as we are currently feeling your pain w/J who is all about the wearing of undies and not so much with the actual peeing and pooping in the potty :(