Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bloody Lucky

Last night, Miss D woke up at quarter to 2am complaining of "special spit up". Moments later, blood was gushing out of her nose.

I don't remember having many bloody noses as a kid and I guess Husband didn't either. We managed to keep our cool. Husband helped her pinch her nose shut and lean forward while I interrupted the baby's nursing session to run downstairs and google for more info.

By 3 the bleeding had stopped, she was cleaned up and back in bed. I was really thanking the stars that I live in a time when information is so readily available to me. It took only a few moments to determine that what we were seeing was dramatic but normal. A few additional tips to the nose pinching, like applying cold. And how long it might take for the bleeding to stop (and if it didn't stop that we might have to go to the ER and have it packed with gauze)

Hooray for modern times!


Anonymous said...

Wow, there's really a lot going on at your house at 2am. I'm glad it all turned out okay.

Stacy said...

Ack! I have a hard enough time with nightmares at 2am much less blood. Glad to hear google saved you a trip to the ER!

Pulisha said...

OMG, I would hav freaked the eff out. Actually, I would have gone into emeergency mode, but there's just something about seeing blood gush from your child that makes your heart stop. C snipped on a chenk of her finger at school the other day. She came home with a big bandage and an incident report that noted it was not deep enough for stitches, etc. Well, when I took off the bndage to replace it, the wound started gushing blood and she started freaking out. It took everything I had to stay calm. It's even scarier when these things happen in the middle of the night!

alexis said...

wow, I am really impressed! way to go modern and savvy parents :)

Dad said...

That's interesting about your past experiences or lack of experience because nose bleeds seemed to have been a part of my life forever. I never even gave it any thought that it would be anything other than common place.

Jason Loper said...

I had nighttime nose bleeds ALL THE TIME as a kid and, yes, it freaked my parents out!