Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Hampshire

Did anyone catch the speeches last night? what did you think?

Husband has swept me up into his political fever so that we spend each primary race night with the TV on watching the returns coming in. I have pretty much decided to participate in the primary this year, although usually by the time it gets to IL the candidate is practically determined. this is unusual for me because in IL you have to declare a party when you vote in the primary (even though you can still vote as an independent) But I just don't like to be on the books as anything, I don't want to be labeled. which is silly since I have pretty much leaned left my whole life.

We were watching MSNBC and making fun of the press/pundits/commentators is almost as fun as doing it for the candidates. I found it interesting that they felt the need to point out that Obama uses a teleprompter for his speeches. "Not that we press have a problem with that", just you know, you should be aware that that very stirring and well executed oratory was not off the cuff. My favorite comment was by Tom Brokaw in regards to the fact that the polls were all off for the democratic race, leading the press to declare obama the clear winner for most of the day. One of the commentators said that he supposed they would have to go back and re-evaluate how they get their polling data. Mr Brokaw had another idea, he said (I'm paraphrasing) "We might have to go back to the old way of doing things, waiting for the voters to actually have their say". Pow!


Jason Loper said...

The lead-up to this race has been soooo long and so full of conjecture and guessing and polls ... I agree with Brokaw. Let the voters and not the media decide.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Yeah, it can be entertaining. I don't know how those commentators come up with shit to say over 5-6 hours. I mean really, they have no info for the most part. "Well, it looks like the percentages changed slightly just then....must have been another precinct reporting.....How about dem'Bears?" Good Lord.

Anonymous said...

I have been hooked pretty well, but the experience has tought me that both Wolf Blitzer and Chris Matthews are unreformable douchebags and I probably have to mute my TV next time. I watched the Iowa returns on CNN and vowed that Wolf Blitzer would never terrorize me again, so I switched over to MSNBC for New Hampshire. It turns out Chris Matthews says things that are just as stupid, but with an even more annoying delivery. Back to Wolf I guess, though I will miss Keith Oberman.

Anonymous said...

I was on election year overload until the NH returns. Now I'm hoping that we'll have a real horse race. Maybe with luck there will be no clear leader in either party and the conventions will actually mean something. That would be cool.

I think someone should see if Brokaw took a short position in media stocks before he made that comment.

alexis said...

this all happens deep during the night when I am sleeping, but I'm happy to follow it vicariously via you guys.

Bernice said...

I agree with lakeview. It takes great talent to talk for hours and not give me any new info. John Stewart had some great takes on that behavior.