Mmmmmmm. Pie for Dinner. What could be more comforting and warming in the winter?
This all started because I suddenly had a hankering to make some individual savory pastries. I still want to do this some day when I find a good recipe. I am thinking I could make a big batch and then freeze them and have them on hand to bring to work or pull out for dinner on days when I don't feel like cooking. My original concept was thinking of the pies (pasties?) I had many moons ago in the UK that i pretty much lived on during my short stay there. (Not a heck of a lot of vegetarian options at the time) Cheese and onion, cheese and mushroom. Etc. But updated with some high-scale ingredients, and maybe not so heavy as I remember.
Surprisingly i couldn't really find a recipe for what I was looking for. But I did find this. A Spinach-and-cheese pie with mushrooms and bacon, baked traditionally with a biscuity parmesan-enhanced crust. Yum! I think I totally could have adapted this to individual pies and maybe I will next time. I really liked the crust but I am not sure if it would hold up to the handheld treatment. I think I will probably just start experimenting with traditional pie crust and various fillings.
A cheesy, biscuit-y pie sounds like just the thing to cure my post-birthday hangover. I want some right now!!
I've had trouble adapting good pie crusts to the handheld style as well. Maybe they sell individual disposable pie tins, like frozen pot pies come in?
Mmmmmm bacon! It looks delicious! I'm a soup/stew guy during these wintery months.
that is beautiful. I totally never have the patience to cook something like that in the evenings.
Looks awesome Stef. Hopefully you will have the freezer full so when I catch the early flight back home I can just pop one in the micro before I jump in the cab.
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