Thursday, March 29, 2007

In the Spirit of Sharing- Ep. 2 Mimi Smartypants

3 Days left, gak.

I am sensing that my loyal readership (all two of you) have grown weary of my vocal travails. So I believe it is time once again to regale you with another In the Spirit of Sharing....

Mimi Smartypants

Ms. Smartypants is one of the first blogs I started reading on a regular basis. She has been in the game for a long time and even had a book of her bloggings published. She has a daughter a few years older than mine so it is a fun glimpse of the near future for me. But there is plenty for non-parents too. If you are familiar with Chicago, you will enjoy her many stories about public transportation and the city generally. If you like booze, you may enjoy her tales of drunken revelry, or slightly soused revelry, or just that one time she had a glass of wine before she went to bed. She is witty, literate and often her posts make me laugh out loud. Plus she likes good music and spends a lot of time at the Empty Bottle. Can you tell I have a little bit of a girl-crush?

Actually, she is one of the few bloggers that I'd actually like to meet in person one day. And I've thought about sending her an email that she would probably get to by the time i moved to CA and it would be too late and I would email back once but really what would be the point after that?

Also, am afeared it might come across a little stalker-y. So I just admire from afar. You should too!


Anonymous said...

I think you totally underestimate your loyal readership. By my count you have at least 6 regulars...a 200% larger group than your estimate!

Anonymous said...

I always prefer vocal health postings to kid postings, since I don't have any way to relate!!

alexis said...

lakeview, this is like adopting a Vietanmese child via one of those Sally Struthers things! You get updates, see photos of the child growing up, AND it doesn't even cost the price of a cup of coffee every day.

Pulisha said...

Ha ha ha - I never thought of it that way, Lex. Does this mean you have to start sending me a dollar a day? ;)

Stef - If you have to read about our defication issues, I can put up with your vocal postings ;) Actually, I really enjoy them, it gives me some insight into something that you are really passionate about.