Thursday, January 15, 2009


Sorry y'all. I've been very busy at work- hence the lack of frequency of posts. Me madre comes to town tonight and I am very excited! It is damn cold and full of snow so I anticipate a lot of indoor activities. Probably baking. Maybe that Irish brown bread since I can't find anywhere that sells it around here durn it.

3 Things:
- Moving life forward in spite of all obstacles!
- Clever daughters who find all the loopholes...
- Mommies who come and visit their offspring in cold, cold places! ;)


alexis said...

I know the feeling!!

Anonymous said...

I am very grateful I have you as a clever daughter who got around all the loopholes too...Oh! you were referring to Miss Dukes :)

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

I can't believe she's actually coming to Chicago in this weather. Ugh. Treat her well or she won't come back......wonder if that's my mistake with your ol'man??